G is For the Garden of My Dreams

Hello Friends,
It is that time of year when the garden wakes up and starts flirting with us all. The promise of great harvests both floral and food.

All the hard work of last year starts to pay off this year as our perennials assert themselves after a long winter’s sleep.

The vegetable beds are full of starts and sprouting seeds. Shallots. Carrots. Red bell peppers. Tomatoes. Twelve varieties. Lemon cucumbers. Yellow patty pan squash. Asparagus. Snow peas. Snap peas. Arugula. Kale. Oak leaf lettuce. Butter lettuce. Mustard greens. Spinach. Red Sail lettuce. Green leaf lettuce. Broccoli Raab. Fingerling potatoes. Yukon Gold potatoes. Shishito peppers. Basil. Rosemary. Chives and more chives. Mint. Oregano. Marjoram. Thyme. Italian flat leaf parsley. Meyer lemons. Five trees because I love them so. Lime Trees. Blueberries. Six varieties. Strawberries and more strawberries. Raspberries.

Roses are blooming.

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Calla lilies are standing tall and pure.

Lemon trees are blossoming with the promise of hot tea on a cold winter afternoons.

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Little strawberries are turning rosy in the sun.
Raspberry canes are struggling to free themselves from their enclosure.
Asparagus spears poke their tips up through the soil, reaching for the sky.
Lettuces, wet with morning dew lean against each other in support. Safety in numbers.

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Lavender blooms vigorously knowing its season end is fast approaching.

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Oleander dances together on the hillside, branches waving to some hidden rhythm.

This is my garden. This is where I find my pride. This is where all things are possible and they show their various vibrant colors in support of the common goal. Let us all nourish each other with love, tenderness, hard work, and consistent devotion.

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