
Hello Friends,


I want to be mighty.

I want to be mighty with my love.

I want love to be my sword, love to be my shield, love to be my strength.

I am not a religious person in the typical sense. I do not currently go to church. I do not pray. But I do believe. I believe in the mighty power of love. When we do anything, with love, we are where we need to be.

When I operate from a place of love, even when negotiating a deal or teaching middle school kids, or making dinner, or paying bills, I am creating greatness and goodness in this place we walk through. To be mighty is to be merciful. To be merciful is to use love. I want to be merciful in all the things I do. I want to be merciful with all I come across. I want to be merciful.

So I choose love as my cape. I choose love as my ammunition and with it I am mighty. For it is in the moments of mercy that I am my strongest. I am my mightiest when I operate with compassion and love and mercy.


Lisa Jo Baker has an interesting task every Friday. She calls it Five Minute Friday and it is a writing exercise posited around a particular prompt. You write to the prompt for a total of five minutes, uninterrupted, unedited, and then you link your writing to her site. As well, you go back and read two entries and comment on them.
She has, in effect, created a writer’s workshop. I love this and find it fun to participate in whether or not I had a blog. It is about the writing after all.




3 thoughts on “Mighty

  1. Thanks for writing…Love is the most important thing we can do. I come from the Christian perspective and God’s greatest command is that we love. Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from FMF!


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